Coesia awarded EcoVadis Silver Medal for sustainability

Coesia awarded EcoVadis Silver Medal for sustainability

Coesia has been honored with the renowned EcoVadis Silver Medal, showing its strong commitment to sustainable business practices. This award places Coesia among the top 15 percent of companies globally assessed by EcoVadis, the world's most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings.

The EcoVadis Silver Medal recognizes Coesia's comprehensive sustainability efforts across four key areas: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement. Achieving this recognition demonstrates Coesia's commitment to integrating sustainability into its core operations and supply chain and reflects its strategic focus on creating long-term value for all stakeholders.

“Coesia's initiatives include advancing energy-efficient machinery, promoting the use of eco-friendly materials, and striving for carbon neutrality in Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030. The Group has also set ambitious targets to reduce Scope 3 emissions by 25% by 2030 and aims to achieve Net Zero by 2050.” says Alessandro Parimbelli, Coesia CEO.

In addition to environmental efforts, Coesia places a strong emphasis on social responsibility. This includes advanced forms of health care and preventive care, such as hourly flexibility beyond industry standards, and enhancing talent through projects for recent graduates, internal training paths, and collaborations with universities, especially Bologna Business School (BBS). Additionally, the "Fare Impresa in Dozza" social enterprise, established with partners like IMA and Marchesini Group, offers inmates at Dozza prison in Bologna real opportunities for reintegration.

Coesia also co-founded the MAST Foundation with the Isabella Seràgnoli Foundation, which provides unique welfare services to employees and is open to the community. The foundation includes a Nursery School, Company Restaurant, Gymnasium, and Academy, and hosts cultural events, job orientation paths, and summer programs. These efforts underscore the Group's commitment to social welfare.

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