Digital near-line / in-line printing solutions for consumer goods packaging and card personalization systems. Atlantic Zeiser is headquartered in Emmingen-Liptingen (Germany).
Digital near-line / in-line printing solutions for consumer goods packaging and card personalization systems. Atlantic Zeiser is headquartered in Emmingen-Liptingen (Germany).
As the market leader for quality assurance and control equipment, Cerulean designs and manufactures testing equipment - including physical measurement instrumentation and smoking machines, for traditional tobacco products and next generation vaping products. Find out more!
With a wealth of experience gained over the last 50 years, Comas Tobacco Machinery is the world leading supplier of tobacco primary equipment and processing solutions. Thanks to a very flexible approach to Customers’ requirements, Comas is able to adapt to the extremely demanding and competitive tobacco market, providing a wide range of solution, also for Tobacco Reduced Risk Products. Comas is headquartered in Silea, Treviso (Italy).
A global leader in the design and manufacture of state of the art packaging automation solutions with core competencies in secondary packaging and product handling. Industries of focus are pharmaceutical, life sciences, food, personal care and industrial goods. MGS headquarters are in Maple Grove, Minnesota (USA).