Coesia at Interpack 2017: enjoy the experience
Coesia will be present at Interpack 2017, the major packaging fair held in Düsseldorf from May 4th to 10th, 2017. The latest technological innovations in packaging and industrial process solutions for Fast Moving Consumer Goods proposed by the Coesia companies will be presented in Hall 6, Booth E31-D31-E57-D57. Multimedia and virtual reality system will support the visitor’s discovery tour of the machines and lines in operation. Plenty of space will be dedicated to the new frontiers of Customer Service that allow Coesia to better meet the needs and expectations of customers around the world.
Technology tips
To share knowledge and keep up with the latest trends in packaging, Coesia will hold daily seminars: Packaging Design, O.E.E. (Overall Equipment Effectivess), Late Stage Customization and Energy Reduction are just a few of the themes that visitors will examine and discuss with our experts.
Follow us on Linkedin, see the detailed list of seminars and book a seat!
GF and EMMECI have recently entered Coesia Group and they will participate for the first time at the fair extending Group offering. Both companies will showcase their solutions for pharmaceutical liquid filling and for luxury packaging sector respectively.
Global Presence
With 89 operating units in 32 countries around the world, Coesia is in a position to offer a global presence to its customers. For Coesia, being global means offering the opportunity to contact competent, well-prepared staff on site. At the stand, visitors from all over the world will be able to meet Coesia people who can satisfy their needs and accompany them locally in the joint development of projects.
Visit us at Interpack 2017
Hall 6, Booth D31 D57 E31 E57 2000 mq Booth
11 companies showcasing their solutions
100 machines live and 4K
Daily technology tips and multimedia presentations
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